Work / About me

ITINERARIUM of my work part 18/Analysis of the Subconscious part 2

ITINERARIUM of my work part 18/Analysis of the Subconscious part 2
Individual Analysis of the Subconscious, which is based on mathematics, is not only a matter of learning about your karma. Of course, it is very good that we get to know ourselves, that is who we were, how we thought. Perhaps you were exceptional, you had the title of ruler, queen, alchemist or prince... However, my analysis is not about focusing only on these aspects. In my Analysis of the Subcon...

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Work / About me

Interview with Emma Lange

Emma Lange is the author of many books from many fields. She is known to readers thanks to such books as Pythagorean Theorem, Secrets of Numerology, Numerology of Partnership. She is also the author of books in the field of psychology and astrology. She runs numerous workshops and courses. She meets with those who are interested in herbal medicine and homeopathy. She also applies academic medicin...

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Analysis of the Subconscious

Analiza Indywidualna Podświadomości
You think that you know yourself, what kind of a man you are, what you are capable of. You think that you know your reactions, priorities and emotions. You arrange life according to your needs, you want people to adapt to your life, to you… You get nervous when something doesn’t work out, when another partner or friend leaves you. You can’t resist your parents and often you don’t want to, because ...

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Karmic Partnership Analysis

Analiza Partnerska Emma Lange
This analysis allows to follow the previous incarnation with a specific person (sometimes more incarnations are shown), what were our common tasks to process, what has to be worked through, why was this person met at all, is the relationship karmic? Shows in what regions of the world people lived, in what age, etc. Or maybe the relationship isn’t karmic, maybe it’s a projection or mission relation...

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Mission Analysis

Analiza Misji
The superconsciousness helps us to rise and balance our inner strength. The superconscious communicates with us in a less reliable language, pushing us less, because we aren’t aware of those energies, we don’t feel them. Often, we aren’t able to realize or understand why we should become, for example, writers or psychologists, since we can’t communicate at the moment and isolate ourselves from peo...

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Angelic Horoscope

Horoskop Anielski
Each of us at birth gets own Guardian Angel who cares about us. He is the spiritual guide of our soul. Children are able to communicate with their angels, because they are pure. Growing up, we lose this ability, because adults are immersed in the energy of various challenges and it’s difficult for them to hear the voices of angels. The problems of everyday life are drowned out by the paths of ener...

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Dieta Miesięczna
Many of us have sometimes wanted to lose excess weight, often with little effect, because extra kilos always came back. We were torturing ourselves with exercises, mono diets, fasts and often the result was temporary. It's hard to get rid of the desire for tasty chocolate or favorite cookie. We returned with longing to the forbidden flavors and smells. Some offer wonderful slimming pills that ofte...

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My Mission – Eve’s Mission

Analiza Misji Emma Lange
The state of the Overmind, meaning with what you came into the world, what you were directed at. What leads you, which egregors are you attached to? Eve, you are attached to egregor of creativity. In the last incarnation, and even incarnations, you were a very creative person. You were able to open up to all kinds of creativity, you tried to write, compose music, paint, and you managed it all. ...

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