Many people who have received the Analysis of the Subconscious ask, “and what next?” I would like to answer what to do next, what to do after receiving the analysis.

Analysis is some stories that you may feel in your soul right away, but you may also not recognize them at all, because this feeling depends on how much your archetype wants to integrate into your psyche, how deep it is in your psychic realms. It’s very important how much your archetypes (the parts of your psyche that connect you with energy and emotions to some field) are ready to come to the surface. Maybe they are so overpowered with defensive reactions that they are hard to accept! That’s why I’ve created therapies that help you build a dialogue with your soul.

Archetypes can and should take about 3-4 years to develop, during which time subconscious programs update themselves. And if you actively work with them, you can understand how they change, you can learn to live with them.

I decided to include the first therapy session after receiving the Analysis of the Subconscious as a bonus. It helps to get used to archetypes and understand karmic theatrics. If we begin to draw out our archetypes, understand and accept them, then we give them a place in our lives.

After you give them time, experience a part of your life with them, for example, three months, you can sign up for another therapy, a second therapy session, which helps you take the next step in the development of consciousness. You can become an expert and a master yourself, learn to recognize the voice of your archetypes, because once you go through the first step, a polarity is created. Imagine a man who didn’t know he had a child, and after 30 years, suddenly his adult son stands on his doorstep, announcing to him, “You are my father”… How surprised and doubtful would that man be? The same thing happens to your psyche! Prodigal children (displaced archetypes) come home! And now, the resulting polarity must be worked out, discussed and felt. This therapy is about acceptance.

When the psyche gets used to acceptance, after a while you have to teach your archetypes to live in a new way. They must enter a new home with their own rules, but they can begin to learn new laws.

In the third therapy session, addictions, shame and existential voids that are already very apparent must be worked through. These need to be closed.

The fourth session, which is also very important because it involves a struggle, is the manifestation of a powerful impulse for the development of consciousness. The whole psyche begins to move and from now on the restructuring of the psyche begins, blockages from the body disappear, nooks and crannies open up, new thinking begins to grow and old mistakes are erased. What was previously suppressed becomes important.

The fifth therapy session, this is where the whole struggle with the arche-persona turns into the arche-shadow. Everything that was previously divided begins to form into one whole. Here you learn the connection mechanisms of all patterns, complexes and relationships. Here, in this session, clues are generated that help the Soul to get out of its own complexes, and this must be experienced correctly.

The sixth therapy session is the development of faith and consciousness. There is an awakening of consciousness and there is a choice of faith, that is, only now the Soul is so strongly empowered that it’s ready to overcome conflicts, even at a very deep level of the hierarchy of archetypes. It combines and synthesizes new qualities, brings out something new. Only in the sixth session does creativity turn on. A unifying force is at work here. All internal polarities begin to disappear.

The seventh therapy session is a new quality born in the sixth session, which becomes stronger, finds new meanings, new ideas for development. Then a correct assessment of the inner reality begins and the scenarios related to the father or the mother are played out without pain.

The eighth therapy session, new, psychologically adapted working models emerge. There is a painless rejection of previous identifications, the psyche already merges with the new narrative. The inner illusion of seeing oneself and the world disappears. Destruction retreats from the person.

The ninth therapy session, the final session, is about entering spirituality, building a new script and bringing it into individual lives. Setting markers of balance between past and future, between spirituality and actualization.

So, my dear Reader, if you haven’t gone through all these stages, if you haven’t opened yourself to them, if you haven’t lived in a new way, then you should not talk about reworking your self, your programs, because you haven’t lived with anything new.
Only those who live through these stages and don’t stop at what they have done, can begin to live differently. If after the first session you wave your hand and think, “I already know everything” then unfortunately, this is wrong thinking. You aren’t realizing what else your Psyche may be hiding from you. If you think that everything you have read and understood is enough to rebuild your life and start living the life you want, you are also wrong! You are wrong because deep within your Soul there are still internal conflicts that prevent all parts of your psyche from uniting. It’s never too late to go back and relive the analysis, especially through therapy sessions. Give yourself time and space to discover what is within you. Bring all your archetypes into your own soul and sit them at a round table that symbolizes equality. This is the only way you can go through the training and not leave your psyche alone with the subconscious analysis you read.

Don’t stop at the threshold, keep going where your Soul is calling you! Maybe you will see new rooms where happiness is waiting for you.


If you want to order the Analysis of the Subconscious, write:


Kalendarz Biodynamiczny


Brain-Art Centrum
W pracy wykorzystuję algorytmy, które opracowałam za pomocą mych autorskich metod. Wykorzystuję w nich moje doświadczenia, jako psychologa i terapeuty.
Algorytmy są objęte prawami autorskimi, na które mam wyłączność. Metody te nie są stosowane poza moim gabinetem.

Emma Lange
psycholog, terapeuta, homeopata

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