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This analysis allows to follow the previous incarnation with a specific person (sometimes more incarnations are shown), what were our common tasks to process, what has to be worked through, why was this person met at all, is the relationship karmic? Shows in what regions of the world people lived, in what age, etc. Or maybe the relationship isn’t karmic, maybe it’s a projection or mission relationship?
By studying the dependencies between people, between their energies, we can find out what programs a given person has in the information field, and how the other person affects us. In most cases, every person appearing at our side makes an emphasis on some kind of unconscious energy that is sitting in our subconscious. By that I mean, that this is done by mirroring, we attract people who have similar programs, who are to help us understand ourselves or help us in our development. What emerges in the karmic analysis between two people is not shown in the individual program of a given human being. It only shows programs, that emerge under the pressure of the other person’s field. The person next to us puts pressure on certain types of energies that are in us, and we become either better or worse. You have to see it as a lesson and your partner as a teacher.
Each of us also has its own individual program, which also affects our relationship, but it will only take place in the form of specific reactions to each other, to situations related to our lives, etc. However, it’s important what kind of energy is between two people, because it either guarantees the durability of the relationship, or it will interfere with the creation of these relationships.
Not every relationship is karmic. Sometimes people/souls meet to help each other, or a man does projection on a partner and sees in him what is not there.
Most often, each analysis starts with explaining what the subconscious is, how to work with it, why programs stay in the subconscious and have an impact on the present life.
The conclusion is that there is no guilty party! No one is guilty that we have no money, no love life or that we are ill! It’s us, our subconscious blockades, that make the soul to choose such and not the other way or people. This energy will attract people similar to us, with similar problems and experiences.
Partnership analysis can be done between friends, husband and wife, child and mother, child and father, and so on.
If you want to order Karmic Partnership Analysis, write to: or

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