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Individual Analysis of the Subconscious, which is based on mathematics, is not only a matter of learning about your karma. Of course, it is very good that we get to know ourselves, that is who we were, how we thought. Perhaps you were exceptional, you had the title of ruler, queen, alchemist or prince… However, my analysis is not about focusing only on these aspects. In my Analysis of the Subconscious, the most important thing is:

> What lies beyond our consciousness,

> What programs interfere or help in life?

> What can we do to extract our energy?

> Where and how can we extract energy from past traumas and experiences?

It is not that I only believe in the theory of reincarnation, I live it, because the phenomena that people come with prove it. The whole philosophy of the East proves it, it shows the process of reincarnation. Physics also shows the process – Newton’s law proves it! It does not matter whether we believe in it or not, because reincarnation still exists.

Mathematics helps me define the programs of the subconscious that I describe in my analysis. The analysis reveals those situations that have caused many defensive reactions, injuries, unintentional deaths, masks, complexes, and many, many other difficult situations that have retained their energy and today are disturbing our lives. They don’t let us develop as we wish.  They don’t allow to create happiness in our own space. And believe me, it doesn’t matter if you were a king or a beggar, because:

> what matters is the thought that caused these actions,

> what matters is motivation, why did you do it?

It’s the energy you carry from life to life.  You drag programs from the past that fit into certain scenarios. If you work through these scenarios, you can change a lot in your life; you can change your energy, but you have to do it all the time, consciously. Individual Analysis of the Subconscious is a gateway to your past, so you either enter it and illuminate your way, experience that time and collect your energy, or you ignore it, turn your back on it… You decided to go through that gateway, find out that you were carrying opportunities in the past, but you choose to ignore it and do nothing about them. However, there is a type of people I respect and admire, who, having access to their internal programs, delve into themselves, force their way through thorny shrubs and go straight to the stars! They suffer, they get tired, but they rise to the surface of what was hidden. They write to me messages that describe their work on themselves. They describe the feelings they experience, the images of endless emotions that appear. After a while, their life sparkles and they become fulfilled people, they feel themselves as a whole.

Once upon a time I was in Riga at an exhibition. A woman from Estonia approached me, crying that she could not get pregnant. She did all the tests that didn’t bring any results.  I did her Individual Analysis of the Subconscious and health diagnostics. She worked with programs that blocked her and which came from previous incarnations. She experienced once again the emotions that were associated with them, she understood them, worked through them and let go. After 4 years, she wrote that all her problems disappeared, she felt as if she had been born again and after 6 months she got pregnant. We were both very happy, because a miracle happened. This is consciousness, this is the light that cast out the inner demons. It happens so often and that’s what this is all about!

Analysis of the Subconscious is your personal tool to understand who you are. I keep saying, “Learn about yourself.”  I’m not a psychic, and analysis is mathematics translated into the language of psychology. I’m interested in working with the inner vibrations of a person. I’m interested in connections with the past, bringing out all the valuable things that contain a lot of ergonomics that can be used in the future.

And by the way…

I deliberately disabled the possibility of commenting on the blog. I want an atmosphere of intimacy and warmth to reign here. Comments vary, because diverse people write them.  The most important thing is what remains in the heart of a person who reads articles, what he or she goes away with and what he or she will remember.

EVERY Analysis of the Subconscious is accompanied by consultations, graphics, metaphors, psychological methods, which can tell you even more about what needs to be changed and what to strive for. The customer receives a wide package of services and everything is included in the price of the analysis!

I am happy for every reader who is interested in my work, who reads my articles, who asks questions, who wants to work on himself, because it means that the world will get better.

If you want to know more about the course, you can do it via e-mail or phone call:


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